Farm attractions; scope for growth
Farm attractions; scope for growth
Farmers who had expanded their businesses by inviting
the paying public on to their farms were hard hit by
foot-and-mouth in 2001. But theres still growth potential
in this sector of the market. This years NFAN conference
Adding Value – Positive Action is open to anyone
interested in this type of diversification
When Wed, Feb 6.
Where Lloyds TSB Pavilion, Avenue H, off 10th Street,
National Agricultural Centre, Stoneleigh, Warks.
Time 9am for registration and coffee.
Cost £38 for NFAN members, £45 for non-members.
Details 01536-513397
9.30am Welcome and introduction
9.40am Keynote speaker – Alun Michael MP, minister for rural
affairs, DEFRA
10am Grant aid for farm attractions (planning and capital
investment) – Norman Thorp, DEFRA and Barry Davies,
Davies & Co
10.40am Life after farmers markets. How farm attractions can
benefit – Steve Dawkes, Snitterfield Fruit Farm
11.20am Linking product to the marketplace – Brian Ilbery,
Coventry University
11.40am How to finance the change, a bank managers view – Phil
Barker, Lloyds TSB Agriculture
12 noon Employment of staff, your biggest asset, your greatest
cost – Morag Matthews, Moore Stephens
12.20pm Open forum.
2pm Adding non-domestic animals to your attraction, the
benefits and pitfalls – Nicholas Jackson, chairman of the
Federation of Zoos
2.20pm Farm or zoo? The debate – Dawn Laycock, Critters Farm
2.40pm Farmer Giles Farmstead, my first three years! – Tony
3pm Catering for the disabled visitor – chairman of the Heart of England Tourist Board.
3.25pm Open forum
Alternative afternoon programme
2pm-3.45pm Farms for Schools/NFAN workshops.
These three free workshops, which take place at the nearby Barclays Pavilion, are aimed at those involved with (or with a particular interest in) school visits to their farm/attraction. Details from 01536-513397.
2002 NFAN Conference: Adding Value – Positive Action
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I/we would like to attend the 2002 NFAN conference
I/we enclose a cheque totalling £………………… for ………….. tickets.
Prices are £38/person for NFAN members and £45/person for non-members.
Make cheques payable to NFAN and send with this form to: Barry Davies, NFAN, Victoria House, 31-33 Victoria Street, Kettering, Northants NN16 0BU.