Farmers Weekly acquires Farmplan

8 June 2000

Farmers Weekly acquires Farmplan

FARMERS WEEKLY and Farmers Weekly Interactive have acquired Farmplan Computer Systems.

The purchase forms a key part in the Farmers Weekly long-term strategy to supply business information, decision support and trading through its award-winning internet site FWi.

“The combined strengths of FWi and Farmplan will enable Farmers Weekly to provide all those in the industry with the latest business tools they need to compete in the increasingly competitive agricultural environment,” said FWis publisher Julian Westaway.

Farmplan, based at Mitcheldean, Glos, is the market leader in the supply of specialist software and hardware for the agricultural industry.

Its software line includes packages designed to help producers get the best out of their beef, dairy and beef enterprises; systems for field records, arable area payments and set-aside calculations and financial management.

Those software solutions, coupled with up-to-the-minute news, markets and business information already supplied by FWi, will provide the ultimate agri-business package for the 21st century.

“We will continue to develop our software solutions which are designed to help the UK farming industry become more competitive and more profitable.

Our new relationship with farmers weekly and FWi will help us to accelerate that process,” said Farmplans managing director Neil Unitt.

Farmplan will continue to operate from its premises in Mitcheldean.

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