FFA back on blockades
FFA back on blockades
FARMERS For Action began a new round of protests outside Dairy Crest and Unigate plants last Sunday night (Jan 28) when nine depots were targeted from Cumbria to Cornwall.
Joint event?
At the Severnside plant on Sunday, FFA chairman David Handley and Somerset NFU delegate-elect Derek Mead were claiming the protest was a joint FFA/NFU event. But the NFU did not agree. On Monday most of the plants were again visited with police at Severnside getting tough with protesters, telling them that they would be arrested if they tried to prevent lorries leaving the depot. The 45-50 police officers seriously outnumbered the 18 protesters.
On Tuesday night only the Unigate depot at Totnes, Devon, was picketed, mainly by milk producers from the west Devon/north Cornwall area.
They feel they have little alternative to dairying and that without a significant rise they will go out of business.
Back to basics…Farmers For Action returned to their roots, blockading both Dairy Crest and Unigate this week.