Figures show ads are The White Stuff

27 April 2001

Figures show ads are The White Stuff

By FWi staff

THE White Stuff milk advertising campaign has added 33 million litres of milk on to the market, according to the Dairy Council.

The organisation has just released new figures which suggest the campaign is on target to achieve the promised 35 million litres in its first year.

Marketing manger Andrew Ovens said the results were confirmation that the campaign was a growing success.

It has not only secured its place in advertising history for having one of the most memorable slogans but it is also a hit with the public, he said.

At this difficult time for the dairy industry, it is important to know that the campaign, which the industry funded, is now making a significant impact.

The figures show that Jun-Sept 2000 about 12 million litres of milk were added to the market and from September to Jan 2001 about 19 million litres.

Mr Ovens said the next burst of advertising was scheduled for the summer and would run from June through to September.

He added that he believed there were great opportunities for promoting the campaign in school, colleges, health clubs and the food service.

Recent focus groups of consumers acknowledge that the campaign was turning milk from a commodity into a brand showing self-confidence and vigour, he added.


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