Free milk scheme

21 July 2000

Free milk scheme

improves human fertility

(but not literacy)

A FRIEND who used to work in the administration of the old scheme for free milk many years ago made a collection of some of the more entertaining extracts from letters sent to her. With the milk advertising campaign now under way, and at a time when the business of producing milk is not particularly amusing, I thought it a good moment to share some of these gems.

1. Please send me form for supply of milk for having children at reduced prices.

2. I have a baby two months old fed entirely on cows and another child.

3. I have no children as my husband is a bus driver and works night and day.

4. Milk is wanted for baby. Father unable to supply.

5. I have a baby three-months-old. I didnt know about it until a friend told me. Please send form for cheap milk.

6. I cannot meat sick pay. I have six children. Can you tell me why?

7. This is my 8th child. What are you going to do about it?

8. Sir, I am forwarding my marriage certificate and two children, one of which has been a mistake, as you will see.

9. I require milk as I am stagnant.

10. In accordance with instructions, I have given birth to twins in the enclosed envelope.

Douglas Paterson, Upper Crambourne Farm, Sutton Scotneg, Winchester, Hants.

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