Grove sale moves to video

By FWi staff

THE Grove Invitational Sale of South Devon females will be held at the Three Counties Showground at Malvern on 18 September, without cattle.

The event is normally held at Douglas Scotts farm in Gloucestershire.

Entries from 12 herds are being expertly videoed to a uniform standard by livestock photographer Tim Bryce.

Catalogues will be available from auctioneers Norton & Brooksbank (01285 841333) and will include full Signet performance figures for all animals, as well as pedigree details.

All the entries are heifers, either maiden, in-calf, or with calves-at-foot.

Videos can be purchased from the auctioneers for 10/each, refundable if cattle are purchased. Potential buyers can inspect animals on-farm by arrangement with vendors.

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