This is part one of our
guide to farm and rural
grants, a shortened
version of Lloyds TSB
Agricultures 68-page
comprehensive guide to
this complex subject.
Part 2 will appear in
next weeks FW
FARMING – and the rural economy in which it operates – is undergoing major structural change, which is affecting everything from the size and scope of rural businesses, the markets they supply, the environment in which they operate and the way they are funded. The government is committed to play a key role in that process of change through a wide range of grant and support schemes.
Today, these government grants and schemes are far more specific and targeted to achieving perceived benefits to society in general and the rural economy in particular. Grants are aimed at achieving environmental benefits, improving marketing skills and awareness, making best use of existing resources and ensuring that the skill base on which rural businesses are founded is adequate and relevant to modern business demands. Many grant schemes are project-based and competitive because grant applications vie with each other for a share of a fixed pot of government money.
The change in grant provision has been rapid and is far reaching, with a range of agencies involved and a raft of different protocols and criteria to meet.
To help farming businesses plot a course through the maze of schemes and initiatives now available in England, Wales & Scotland, Lloyds TSB Agriculture has produced a comprehensive Farm & Rural Grants guide for 2002. In conjunction with support from our regional Lloyds TSB Agriculture team and farmers weekly, we hope it will maximise the amount of grant aid moving into farming businesses.
Tim Porter
Head of Agriculture, Lloyds TSB.
For a free copy of your Guide to Farm and Rural Grants 2002 (right), write to Lloyds TSB Agriculture, Canons House, Canons Way, PO Box 112, Bristol, BS99 7LB
or contact your local Lloyds TSB business banking manager.