Have your say, w/e 28 December, 2001

2 January 2002

Have your say, w/e 28 December, 2001

Online quota trading

IS the future of trading milk quota online, i.e through businesses such as milkquota.com, or the tried and tested method used for generations of the broker system?

I am currently in my final year of a business degree at the University of Derby. I have decided to carry out my dissertation on milk quota – more specifically, whether farmers will grasp the new technology of trading milk quota online.

It would be very helpful if any farmers with milk quota gave their views and opinions on the subject.


More power to the Rural Rebels

CONGRATULATIONS to the Rural Rebels for raising the profile of the campaign to save the country way of life (Walkers concern at rural rebel tactics, FWi, 20 December, 2001).

Cosy chats with this government will change nothing only direct action will have any affect on government policy.

WhilE the government IS busy championing the cause of freedom in various far-flung corners of the world, they are at the same time destroying our freedom to pursue our legitimate enjoyment of the countryside.

We are becoming the new underclass of this great nation; our rights are being obliterated beneath an avalanche of red tape and and legislation, created by townies and do-gooders, who have no real knowledge about the rural way of life.

Dick Lindley


Who needs licensing?

IF farmers are to be licensed to farm (Whitty: Farmers may need licences, FWi, 20 November, 2001), is it too much to expect the members of government to also be tested and

After all, who is likely to cause the most damage through ignorance?


Vaccination: Who changed Becketts mind?

IM looking forward to the full story of who changed Becketts leaked intention to back vaccination at Brussels into the senseless opposition to sound science that she enunciated.

Is this another Blair/Nestlé deal, as we had at Cumberland turn-out time when most cabinet members believed vaccination was agreed?

Dave Forth


Stockman shortage – heres why

WITH regard to the stockman shortage (Stockman shortage?, FWi Open Forum); I am currently in my first year of a HNDAg and there are five on the course.

When I finish I wish to progress to suckler herd managment.

The general feeling at college is that young people nowadays dont want to work on the farms, since there is no money and a unpredictable future.

Many will be happy to go into advisory positions, but the number of students is declining every year.

People in my position have to consider whether is it worth spending all that time and money to get a qualification if its not worth it at the end of the day.


An insult to quality poultry farmers

THE scandal of poultry meat with 25% added water, being used by the catering trade, is an insult to poultry farmers here.

On our farm we produce free-range roasters, without antibiotics for growth promotion, and certainly with no added water, unless they pick it up from the mud they

walk about in.

The problem is that the caterers would say our chicken is too expensive, even though these prices are less than for other meats.

It has to be cheap rubbish for them, imported via Holland from Brazil or Thailand.

Why are they allowed to do this?

Surely it is time the government put its money where its mouth is and stopped such trade.


is time to stop all poultry meat imports.

If not, the consumer will continue to be conned and their health put at risk.

P T Hughes


Looking for feedback

I AM a final-year environmental science student at UEA, Norwich.

I am currently doing a project looking at monitoring the success of Environmentally Sensitive Area schemes with the use of bird monitoring, and the feasibility of farmers themselves collecting the data.

I would be very interested if anyone has any suggestions or comments about this issue.

Emily Barnes


Future of farming

I HAVE just taken on a project for the company that I work for to investigate the future of farming in the UK in the next 5 years and beyond.

If anyone has any input into how they see the future of faming, please let me know.

Angela Roberts


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