Hot air is blown away by cubism

16 August 2002

Hot air is blown away by cubism

SCOTT Bros now distributes a unit for cooling buildings such as pack houses, production lines and workshops with areas up to 1500sq ft.

Designated the Ice Cube, the unit forces water to evaporate with the aid of a high powered blower. Using this evaporative process the unit can reduce incoming air temperature by 20F and distribute it up to 24m (80ft) inside a building.

Cooling by evaporation of water produces rehumidified moist air which is suitable for buildings containing livestock and vegetables, claims the distributor.

The blower unit is also designed to remove hot air in the cooling process and clean dust and particles from the atmosphere.

Portable in design and construction, Scott Bros says the unit only requires water and an electricity supply – power used is similar to that consumed by an electric kettle.

Recognising that cold air sinks, the manufacturer can supply the Ice Cube with a top distribution funnel to direct cool air across a room at a height of 3.3m (11ft).

Price of the Ice Cube is below £1400. &#42

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