Hybrid wheats RL test

18 September 1998

Hybrid wheats RL test

A HYBRID wheat is among the four new winter varieties chosen to enter Recommended List trials this autumn.

Nickersons Cockpit, a high yielding stiff-strawed potential bread-maker bred by Monsanto-owned HybriTech, is a cross between French and German varieties and already commercially available in France.

Unlike Angler, another Nickerson hybrid which entered RL trials a decade ago, seed production is good, says the firms Bill Angus. "Angler was too expensive."

Cockpit also has good Rend-ezvous-type eyespot resistance, but is susceptible to yellow rust.

Coded line CPBTW47 from CPB Twyford is a low input feed variety with stiff straw and exceptionally high untreated yields.

Napier from PBI Cambridge, a hard feed, potentially outyields Savannah. But with only moderate straw strength and disease resistance it needs high inputs.

New Farm Crops NFC19606 is a biscuit-type with good quality and disease resistance, including a nine for eyespot, making it is a possible Riband/Consort replacement. &#42

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