Improving fertility

28 September 2001

Improving fertility

IMPROVING dairy cow fertility while minimising producer record-keeping requirements is the objective of an internet-based computer program, launched by Genus at last weeks Dairy Event.

Producers interested in using the Genus Reproductive Management program can register on Each time inseminations are performed by a technician, they will be record automatically on an area of the website unique to each farm, according to the companys product manager James Simpson.

"Using this data, the program predicts when cows are next due to come on heat, ranking them in date order so producers know which animals to pay particular attention to when checking cows. With cows having a three-week oestrus cycle, it is often difficult to access this data readily on monthly recording systems."

Future developments planned for the recording system include herd health and bull daughter fertility scores, added Genus business director Drew Sloan. &#42

Recording inseminations on a internet-based computer program could help producers improve herd fertility, says James Simpson.

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