• IMPORTS of beef and veal from other Member States continue apace. Latest figure from Intrastat show that in August almost 6000t came in, a rise of 32% on the same month last year. Main consigner was the Republic of Ireland at 3144t. But the main growth has been from Germany which more than doubled its exports to 536t.
• TESCO reports that all 168 of its fresh meat counters in the UK are stocking product sourced from farms which have been accredited under the RSPCAs Freedom Food scheme. The supermarket claims to have seen a 10% sales increase when Freedom Food products have been introduced, confirming the consumer preference for welfare-friendly methods.
• WELSH abattoir group Oriel Jones and Welshpool Livestock Sales are to encourage livestock farmers selling stock through their assurance scheme to transfer their membership to Farm Assured Welsh Livestock. The transfers can be done immediately on the basis of inspections already carried out by the companies, though farms will be re-inspected during 1998 by FAWLs own inspection team.