• POTATO seed treatment Gambit (fenpiclonil) has been withdrawn from sale and a product recall instigated by make Novartis following crop emergence problems this Spring. Wet weather may have been to blame, says the company. The product will remain unavailable until trials to determine any possible link with the board spectrum fungicide are completed next year.
• COMPENSATION for cattle slaughtered during October because of brucellosis will be £471 maximum, MAFF has announced.
• FARM minister Nick Brown continued his tour of the country this week, visiting the Norfolk farm of Country Landowners Association president Ian MacNicol on Monday.
• TWO people died in August from new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (nvCJD), the fatal human brain condition linked to BSE. Monthly figures published by the Department of Health reveal that six people have died so far this year from nvCJD, bringing the total to 29 since 1995.