13 November 1998


uSMALL scale on-farm crushing of oil-bearing crops is being studied by a new project led by plant breeder Semundo. The On Farm Industrial Oilseeds (OFINOL) project is assessing the scope for anything from on-farm to co-op based crushing to supply industrial oil markets. The study, which has EU 5b structural funding, looks set to give small scale crushing a much needed boost, suggests Semundo managing director, Chris Green.

uQUALITY from this years Linola edible linseed crop is said to be the best ever, despite the poor growing and harvesting conditions this season. Linoleic acid content in the oil produced by crusher Cargill at Hull is described as excellent by David Pearson of breeder Nickerson. Yields averaged 2.1-2.2t/ha (17-18cwt/acre), he adds.

uOLYMPIA fertilisers from Cargill now include liquid products to address specific crop needs. Straight nitrogen is available as Olympia Nitroflo or Olympia Nitroflo Solo where controlled release product didin is added. Olympia Nitroflo Gold contains sulphur while Olympia Protein Plus is a urea-based product. Also available is a range of NPK solutions and suspensions. &#42

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