29 October 1999


uIRRIGATION and conservation interests are set to benefit from a new 50m gallon reservoir built on a designated wildlife site. The proposal, at Oxley Marshes, Hollesley, Suffolk, will help irrigate 2000ha (4940 acres) of land owned by three farms producing vegetables for supermarkets. The Suffolk Wildlife Trust believes that habitat created along the edges of the new reservoir will more than make up for the adverse impact on a designated County Wildlife Site.

uPARLIAMENTS Northern Ireland affairs committee is to hold an urgent inquiry into the current problems relating to the livestock sector in the province. The cross-party Commons committee asked for written evidence to be submitted as soon as possible. Oral evidence sessions will be held before the committee makes its final report.

uSTRUGGLING to see a way through the crisis? Why not seek some solutions at one of the regional Farming Dilemma conferences being staged by MAFF and the Integrated Arable Crop Production Alliance, in association with farmers weekly. The meetings, held nationwide throughout November, are designed to show arable farmers how integrated farming can help cut costs and boost farm profits. Besides industry experts, local farmers will describe their experiences of integrated farming. Call 0207-921 1158 for venue and ticket details. &#42

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