uFENCING contractors are being invited to enter the fencing competition at the Sheep 2000 event. Held in Malvern on Aug 2, up to 12 teams of two fencers will have to erect 90m of high tensile netting using hand-held tools. Sponsored by the RASE and Tornado Wire, prize money amounts to £1150. Further details from the RASE (02476-696969).
uFREE-RANGE eggs are to be promoted by a new company – the British Free Range Marketing company. Set up with backing from the governments agricultural development scheme and the RSPCAs Freedom Foods division, members will be obliged to sign up to Freedom Foods new hen-to-plate egg traceability scheme.
uBETTER benchmarking would help UK pig producers identify where technical improvement and cost cutting are required in order to compete with overseas producers. Consultant Bernard Peet believes UK producers arent using technology as well as our competitors, and an industry-based system for disseminating comparative data and research results, run by an industry body, would improve communication to producers.
uSIGNET has launched an Agenda 2000 planner for producers considering claiming extensification payments. It will calculate the most profitable stocking rate option on each farm. The service costs £180, which includes a half-day visit. *