7 September 2001


&#8226 BORDER Leicester Sheep Breeders Society will hold a video ram sale at Lanark market on Sept 26. The sale will precede the annual meeting being held at the Cartland Bridge Hotel. Sale registers are available from from any auction mart that normally hosts Border Leicester sales. The BLSB sale in Northern Ireland will take place at Ballyclare on Sept 13.

&#8226 SHEEP breeders and buyers interested in Border Leicester or Scotch Halfbred sheep can visit two new web-sites for information about the breeds and forthcoming events (www.borderleicesters. and

&#8226 MOLE Livestock Initiative says it has a growing market for well reared Friesian or Continental cross bull calves, 12-16 weeks old. But there is little demand for beef cross heifers and British breeds are also difficult to place. (0845-601 3281 or

&#8226 MOST collection centres are up and running now with 80 approved throughout England and Wales. A few more might come on line to handle over-30-month stock, says an MLC spokesman. Regular collections are taking place, although stock numbers have dropped recently. Full details can be found at

&#8226 FOOT-AND-MOUTH has taken its toll on the Belgian Blue cattle society with 28 herds countrywide lost during the past eight months. The Borders Club has been particularly hard hit, losing 15 out of 32 herds – 50% of its membership – said the BBCSs executive chairman Gill Evans at its annual meeting.

However, in the past 15 months, the society has added another 48 members, and new birth registrations are up by nearly 100. &#42

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