12 October 2001


&#8226 SALES of live cattle will resume this month in south-west Scotland, one of the areas worst hit by foot-and-mouth. Lockerbie auction mart, run by auctioneers Harrison and Hetherington, will hold a sale of suckled calves and store cattle on Oct 16. On Oct 30 there will be a special sale of Blue-grey heifers and bullocks, plus hill-bred suckled calves and store cattle. This event will replace the annual fixture for Blue-grey stock normally held at Newcastleton.

&#8226 THE Honey Jersey herd sold to level at £882 on the island of Jersey, said auctioneer Bruton Knowles. In total, 54 animals passed under the hammer with a top call of 1400gns for a March 1999 born heifer in-milk, Honeys Royal Bangle, which went to John Le Feuvre from Les Augerez. Most animals stayed on the Island, although raiders purchased eight cows to bring into the UK once F&M restrictions allow. (Bruton Knowles)

&#8226 BIDDERS took North Country Cheviot prices to a new high of £7000 for a shearling ram at Aberdeen and Northern Marts Caithness Livestock Centre, Watten, Wick. The previous highest for a Cheviot was £1000 lower in 1990. Even though on video, trade for top sorts was good but low lamb prices dragged down demand for poorer types, said the auctioneer. In all 93 rams changed hands, levelling £111 higher at £385. (Aberdeen and Northern Marts) &#42

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