Keeping up with Europe

7 September 2001

Keeping up with Europe

The Congress of European Agriculture is being hosted by the

UK for the first time in many years. For farmers and others

in the industry wanting to keep fully up to date with the

state of farming across the whole of Europe, it could well be

worth a visit later this month.

UNLESS youre an expert on European agriculture, the annual Congress of European Agriculture may not be a familiar event. It takes place each year and is organised by the European Confederation of Agriculture (CEA), a non-governmental body formed of farmers unions, co-ops and professional agricultural organisations from 30 countries across Europe and COPA & COGECA – the EU farmers representative body.

This years congress takes place in Belfast on Sept 24-26. Speakers from around Europe, including NFU president Ben Gill, German agriculture and consumer minister Renate Kunast, Food Standards Agency head John Krebs, European Commissioner for Agriculture Franz Fischler and NI minister of agriculture and rural development Brid Rodgers. They will focus on the following topics:

&#8226 Europe From A Global Perspective – globalisation, new economy, EU enlargement, World Trade Organisation and currencies.

&#8226 Keeping A Balance In The Food Industry – international partnerships, monopolies, concentration.

&#8226 The European Approach – food safety, multifunctionality and biosphere.

&#8226 Farmers And Consumers Working For Mutual Benefit – what customers want, how farmers can respond and co-operatives.

&#8226 So What Are The Answers? – CAP, risk management, sustainable development and multifunctionality.

&#8226 Forestry – private forest ownership.

&#8226 Services And Social Questions – insurance and social issues.

A series of four technical tours has also been organised for Sept 26. These cover biodiversity/fuels, Loughry College Food Research Centre, animal breeding at the Agricultural Research Institute of Northern Ireland at Hillsborough and United Dairy Farmers co-op.

The cost of attending the congress is k400 (about £250) for delegates from England, Wales and Scotland. However, sponsorship by the NFU and NI department of agriculture means the cost is k200 (about £125) for farmer delegates from Northern Ireland and the Republic, while NFU members from England and Wales can attend free of charge.

For more details about the event, ring Tessa Crago at the NFU (020-7331 7393). For details about accommodation and travel for the Congress of European Agriculture ring the Catherine Muckle at the NFU (020-7331 7338). &#42

Registration Form CEA, COPA & COGECA

Congress of European Agriculture

Sept 24-26 in Belfast, Northern Ireland

Please complete (using block capitals) one card per participant and send to: General Secretariat, CEA, Rue de la Science 23-25, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium. Post no later than Sept 17.

Last name …………………………………………………………………………………..

First name …………………………………………………………………………………..

Address ……………………………………………………………………………………..


City and country …………………………………………………………………………..

Will be accompanied by …………………………………………………………………

Language: English………………. Francais……………. Deutsch……………….

Registration fees:

&#8226 Delegates from England, Wales and Scotland – k400.

&#8226 Farmer delegates from Northern Ireland and Eire – k200.

&#8226 NFU England and Wales members – Free.

Your fee should be paid into the following account: CEA, rue de la Science 23-25, B-1040 Brussels. Account: 736-4024959-08 SWIFT CERABE 33, KBC-CERA Bank.

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