Kevin Daniel

3 October 1997

Kevin Daniel

Kevin Daniel has a mixed

lowland holding near

Launceston, Cornwall. The

65ha (160 acres) farm and

20ha (50 acres) of rented

ground supports 70

Simmental cross suckler

cows, 380 Border Leicester

cross Suffolk ewes and

28ha (70 acres) arable.

OUR first ever nine acres of kale was eventually cut on Sept 8, two to three weeks later than was ideal due to the wet weather at the end of August. In places, the crop had lodged due to the exceptional growing conditions and delayed cutting. However, after a 48-hour wilt, neighbours Danny and Adrian Gregory moved in to bale and wrap 152 bales of well wilted kaleage.

An additive was applied during baling, with the bales removed from the field before wrapping. Six layers of wrap were applied but stalks still managed to push through, probably due to the crop being over-mature. The offending stalks have been cut off and a patch applied.

Bale weights averaged between 800 and 900kg and in spite of initial concerns, our 70hp two-wheel-drive tractor and loader handled the bales with relative ease. Bales were lifted by spike on to the wrapper which tipped the bale off into the storage site, removing the need for further handling. We await a forage analysis result with interest.

An enjoyable morning last month was spent showing 40 Welsh farmers from the Lampeter Agricultural Discussion Group round the farm, ably led by Margaret Dalton whose farm is one of the five featured in the Business section.

A tour on tractors and trailers was going well until we arrived in a field of store lambs, only to find one lamb lying motionless in the middle of the field – an embarrassing situation but proves that the old saying "where there is livestock there is deadstock" also applies to Farmer Focus writers!

A post-mortem confirmed that Pasteurella was the cause of death which was disappointing as the lambs had already received a dose of Ovivac P in May and June. A further dose was administered, although the stress of handling resulted in two more fatalities. Pasteurella is a recurring problem at Trebursye, so I hope that the new improved range of vaccines will give a longer and wider range of cover. &#42

Kaleage is making its debut at Trebursye, with Kevin Daniel awaiting its analysis with interest. And hes surprised that the 70hp two wheel drive tractor and loader copes so well with the 800-900kg wrapped bales.

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