Kuhn border spreading – from the cab
Kuhn border spreading – from the cab
A CAB-OPERATED border spreading system developed by Kuhn Farm Machinery is now available for the companys MDS twin disc fertiliser spreader range.
Called Tellimat, the system comprises a hydraulically operated arm which supports stainless steel deflector fins.
Controlled by a double-acting ram, the fins are designed to accurately control the direction of fertiliser and distribution at field margins.
For calibration, the distance from fins to spreading disc, together with fin angle, can be set according to fertiliser type and working widths, respectively.
Suitable for MDS 1131 and MDS 1141 spreaders, the Telimat is designed to operate with 12 to 28m tramlines from the left side of the spreader.
Kuhn claims the Telimat system is as accurate as its standard border spreading system employed on the MDS spreaders.
The Telimat system for MDS 1131 and MDS 1141 spreaders costs £560, while a version for the smaller MDS 732 and MDS 932 machines coats £490. *
Kuhns MDS fertiliser spreader range now has an optional cab-operated border spreading system.