Lady Luck secures show championship

3 December 1999

Lady Luck secures show championship

SHOW classes at the Bath and West Winter Fair were well attended with a Belgian Blue cross Charolais heifer taking the beef championship.

Beef judge, Philip Davies, said the heifer, Lady Luck had the finest loins he had seen on an animal for a long time. "She has the correct level of fat cover and meat in all the right places," he said.

Owned by butchers Gerald David and Sons of Minehead, Somerset, Lady Luck was bought from Powell Brothers of Newtown, Powys, at a suckled calf sale. Simon David said the family intended to breed from her and she would be put to a Limousin bull in February.

Reserve beef champion was Mr and Mrs Alfords Limousin heifer, Hopesarhc from Staplegrove, Somerset.

Texels dominated the sheep championship, with Austin Morgans pair of Texel lambs from Brecon, Powys, taking the championship and David Bishops pair of Texel cross Beltex lambs from Colwall, Worcs, in reserve.

Champion beef carcass was won by N J Tucker and Son of Street, Somerset, with D B Matthews of Bridgend, Mid Glamorgan in reserve. Champion lamb carcass, another Texel, was taken by A G Selway of Stalbridge, Dorset, with J T Houldey and Sons Beltex cross Texel from Hasfield, Glos, in reserve.

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