Lamb banks set to take surplus stock
Lamb banks set to take surplus stock
LOCAL NFU offices act as lamb bank agencies for farmers with surplus lambs and producers keen to buy in lambs.
During the lambing season, where there is a demand, NFU holds details of producers who want to be relieved of stocks as well as the names of those seeking orphans.
Although organisations such as the Sheep Veterinary Society, British Veterinary Society and RSPCA prefer lamb banks to selling lambs through market, they are still concerned to ensure producers minimise the risk of spreading diseases such as orf and enzootic abortion.
"It is also important that maedi visna accreditation of flocks is not compromised by purchasing lambs from non-accredited flocks," warns David Henderson from Edinburghs Moredun Foundation.
But he believes as much use as possible should be made of lamb bank agencies, rather than subjecting lambs to the potential stress of sale at auction markets. *