Lodging warning for 2002 crop

7 January 2002

Lodging warning for 2002 crop

By Tom Allen-Stevens

LODGING could be a serious – and expensive – problem for crops in 2002, warns an ag-chem company.

This years lush, thick crops present a much greater lodging prospect than in 2001, on a par with losses in 1997 and 1998, says BASF.

Last year, the average estimated amount of lodging in winter wheat was only 2.5%, while in barley it was 3%, according to a survey by the chemical manufacturer.

The combination of late drilling, thin crops and a much reduced crop area meant this was the lowest level for over five years.

Despite this, flattened crops still cost UK arable farmers 8.5 million in lost revenue.

But in 1997 and 1998, “UK cereal growers lost an estimated 110m and 74m respectively,” notes BASFs Stephan Hafner.


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