Lyons second Gold Cup in a row
Lyons second Gold Cup in a row
DOUBLE delight……Peter Dixon Smiths 160-cow Lyons herd, from Tugby, Leics, run by farm manager Wil Armitage (above) won the Gold Cup for the second year running in the NMR/RABDF national dairy herds championship.
With an average yield of 11,065kg, 807kg fat and protein, PIN95 of £34 and calving index of 422 days, combined with high inspection points, the herd pipped Scottish producer Dean Anderson, Elgin, Morayshire to the post.
Mr Anderson, who also won the production and inspection class, runs a 71 cow Holstein-Friesian herd, achieving an average milk yield of 11,585kg milk and 800kg fat and protein on three times a day milking.
Runner-ups in the production and inspection class were Shropshire producers Richard and Joan Hancock, Cantlop Meadow View Farm, Shropshire, who also won the production and genetic management cup.
Their 35-cow Meadowville herd averages 12,338kg milk, and 865kg fat and protein, worth about £2700/cow in milk which helps offset cost of feeding 3t/cow.
Winners in the health and fertility class were Edwin and Marie Wooldridge, Stinchincombe, Glos.
Peter Dixon Smith (centre) and farm manager Will Armitage (left) win the Gold Cup for the second year running.