Mating program given NMRupdate

20 July 2001

Mating program given NMRupdate

SIREMATCH, the corrective mating program, has been updated to allow National Milk Records to be included in the sire selection process, says Avoncroft.

The original program is designed to select sires, based on individual cows indices, to produce offspring with increased longevity through improved udder, feet and legs. Every proven bull available on the HUKI list is included in the selection process.

NMR milk records are incorporated in the updated version, providing additional information, such as milk yield and constituents, fertility and somatic cell counts, to select sires to improve performance as well as type.

Type evaluation has also been improved to precisely adjust scores for stage of lactation and pedigree considerations. The service costs £2 a cow (01527-831481, fax 01527-879784).

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