MDC study to assess co-op standing
A STUDY examining how co-ops could help milk producers gain a greater share of the dairy products market has been commissioned by the Milk Development Council.
It is being undertaken by Wye College, Kent and will be completed in time for the European Dairy Farming Event, Stoneleigh on Sept 20-21.
It aims to identify the advantages of Britains dairy co-ops and judge how they are best placed to serve the processing sector without jeopardising competition rules.
The effect of closer working partnerships will also be studied.
Improvements could give scope for milk price rises.
“Confrontation will not build a successful market, but co-operation should,” says MDC chairman Brian Peacock.
Researchers from Wye also want see if supply chain costs could be cut to increase producer returns.
At retail level, the question of whether new value-added products can compete with imported brands will also be addressed.