Need to make progress
16 August 2001
Need to make progress
“HARVEST has been a stop-start affair. We were nibbling at wheat for two or three days until we got properly started on Tuesday,” says Dennis Ford, who farms on chalky soil at Liddington near Swindon.
They have been combining Claire wheat at 18-19% moisture and Optic barley at 13%. The Optic has yielded about 7.2t/ha (2.9t/acre). “This is better than the last two or three years.”
There is also Malacca, Hereward and Shamrock milling wheat to combine. “We are in danger of losing the Hagbergs so shall move into these when they are fit.” He thinks this will be in the next couple of days.
Oilseed rape yielded 3t/ha (1.25t/acre). “With this years conditions, I am content with the yield.”
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