New Reglone rules give acid the push
13 September 2001
New Reglone rules give acid the push
FARMERS burning off potato haulm have been reminded of the new guidelines that have been issued for the use of Reglone (diquat).
An in-field test, which takes account of irrigation, soil type, local showers and seed-bed replaces old Morecs soil moisture advice.
Other new advice can help growers tailor use accurately and still avoid vascular browning and storage problems, says Syngentas Chris Ursell.
This includes recommendations for split treatments, nozzle choice and water volumes.
Mr Ursell anticipates a doubling in market share as growers move away from acid and its cost, timeliness and environmental/public perception problems.
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- Spud guide helps reduce store losses, FWi, 4 September, 2001
- Dont give up on processed potatoes, FWi, 4 September, 2001
- Blight tools at risk in EU review, FWi, 23 August, 2001
- Blight tools at risk in EU review, FWi, 23 August, 2001
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