New spiked roller
New spiked roller
THERE cant be many more new concepts in cultivations machinery – but Peter Smith of Rekord Sales believes he has found one in the Rolling Spike Chain.
Produced in Canada by Phoenix Rotary Equipment, it uses shaped steel rods linked in much the same way as a chain harrow but formed into a spiked roller. A support bar through the centre and end bearings that attach it to a box steel frame, allow it to rotate.
"When its dragged at an angle across stubble or ploughed land, the implement has a cultivating effect, loosening the surface in the case of stubble work and breaking down furrow slices and clods on ploughed ground," explains Mr Smith.
Wide working widths – up to 19.5m (64ft) – and high operating speeds – typically 12kph – mean the implement covers the ground fast, while its flexible structure ensures it follows ground contours faithfully. Adjusting the working angle alters how aggressively it works.
Mr Smith believes the implement will have a particular role encouraging germination of volunteers and weed seeds before spraying off in preparation for sowing winter oilseed rape.
"Some growers showing interest have suggested broadcasting rape seed from a front-mounted spinner and using the Rolling Spike Cultivator to tickle it in," he says. *