Organic reminders for walkers
8 January 2002
Organic reminders for walkers
By FWi staff
ORGANIC farmers are erecting notices along public footpaths on their land to remind walkers of the link between farming and the countryside.
The Somerset-based Organic Milk Supplier Co-operative (OMSCo) has designed the boards, which they hope will lead to a boost in demand for organic milk.
They form part of a strategic marketing and PR campaign which aims to solve the problem of a surplus of organic milk in the UK.
Sally Bagenal chief executive of OMSCo, said the idea came because farmers had noticed how popular footpaths were on accredited farms.
“By placing information boards on footpaths we can make the link between a beautiful countryside and organic dairy methods.
“This is just one of the ways we are trying to encourage consumers to drink organic milk and tackle the issue of over-supply,” she said.
While OMSCo has paid for the development and design of the boards, farmers who want to put them up will still have to pay for printing costs.