Pfizer threatens EU over antibiotics

11 December 1998

Pfizer threatens EU over antibiotics

By Jonathan Riley

GLOBAL drug giant Pfizer has threatened legal action if the European Union goes ahead with its plan to ban six antibiotics used as growth promoters in animal feed.

Pfizer, which manufactures the feed additive virginiamycin, has already launched a two-pronged legal offensive against the Danish Government.

It has now lodged a complaint with the European Commissions ombudsman which wants a pan-European ban on the six products to begin in January.

Farmers often feed antibiotics to livestock because they increase the digestive process, encouraging animals to put on weight more rapidly.

But the European Commission believes the non-medicinal use of anitibiotics in animal feed causes increased resistance to antibiotics when used as medicines in humans.

Pfizer insists that the commission has disregarded scientific analysis to push ahead with its ban on antibiotics.

In a statement from Pfizers New York headquarters, the company said it would take all necessary actions to defend the use of its products in Europe.

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