Phosphine to keep lid on weevil?

4 July 1997

Phosphine to keep lid on weevil?

MORE than 200,000t of grain is expected to receive phosphine fumigation this year to control grain weevil after successful trials last season.

Low doses of phosphine applied over 14 to 21 days will ensure control of grain weevil, one of the hardest pests to kill, claimed Ian Clayton-Bailey of Igrox.

"Preventative phosphine fumigations leaves the grain free from live insects and prevents infestations from developing during storage," he said.


"It is also guaranteed against insect infestation for up to 12 months and leaves no detectable residues. Even where aeration is poor, pest control is very good."

The treatment is successful because grain temperature is relatively high just after harvest, making the insects more active. Fumigation takes place within six weeks of the grain going into store.

Costs depend on the tonnage to be treated and are said to be similar to mixtures of conventional insecticidal dust.n

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