Plea for unity on rent issues

16 March 2001

Plea for unity on rent issues

THE Country Land and Business Association and the Tenant Farmers Association are urging co-operation between their members in the run-up to Lady Day on Mar 25.

The call comes in the light of the foot-and-mouth crisis. Due to the stock movement restrictions cash flow has dried up on many farms and the TFA is hoping landlords will look sympathetically on requests for help, including possible rent abatements.

TFA chairman Reg Haydon says the feedback has been favourable. "I am very grateful that four of the countrys biggest landlords, including the National Trust and the Crown Estates, have responded positively."

The Duchy of Cornwall will not issue demands to its farmers on Dartmoor until the extent of the crisis has been determined. Other tenants are asked to contact the Duchy if they will have problems paying.

CLA president Anthony Bosanquet believes communication is vital at this time, but will not be advising landlords to apply an across the board rent reduction. &#42

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