Post-em savings?

26 October 2001

Post-em savings?

NEW post-emergence cereal herbicide PicoPro (pendimethalin + picolinafen) can cut the need for an over-spray in the spring, says supplier BASF.

"Half to two-thirds of autumn-sown crops treated with a herbicide in the autumn also receive an over-spray in the spring," says herbicides manager Andrew Jones. "Growers can expect this proportion to fall if they use PicoPro."

Meadow grasses and broad-leaved weeds, notably cleavers, are the main targets. Extra contact activity could be particularly useful where diflufenican applications have been delayed and weeds have already emerged, suggests Hutchinsons Dick Neale.

"Its strength is as a post-emergence, contact weed-killer. Also it contains another dose of pendimethalin, which is ideal in the conditions weve got this autumn."

For cleavers 3 litres/ha is recommended, costing about £24/ha, but 2 litres/ha should suffice for annual meadow grass and other broad-leaved weeds, he adds. &#42

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