Potato planter shows a gentle touch with seed

1 February 2002

Potato planter shows a gentle touch with seed

RICHARD Pearson used the LAMMA event to provide visitors with the first sight of a new two-row potato planter.

The Star Feed planter, which is built in France, employs plastic stars in the base of the hopper to gently feed potatoes to the planting cups. This, says Pearson, allows the machine to be used for chitted and cut seed.

Two versions are available – a hydraulically driven cup feed and one with a mechanical drive. The latter requires sprockets to be changed to attain the desired spacing while the hydraulic system allows for stepless spacing to be achieved from 153mm to 448mm (6.1-18in).

There is also a choice of a fixed or hydraulically tipping hopper with capacities of 1200kg or 1500kg.

Other specifications include floating soil openers and disc closers, mechanical depth control and row width adjustment from 75cm to 1m (30-40in).

Available in limited numbers for this season – Pearson wants to monitor their performance in the UK – the mechanical 2RBS planter costs £6854 and the hydraulic 2RBSH £12,344. &#42

First public airing for Richard Pearsons new two-row potato planter which will be available in limited numbers for the coming season.

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