Prices slip for finished pigs and baconers

By Peter Crichton

IN the marketplace, finisher prices took a dip in most parts of the UK, although the latest GB AESA for the week ending 21 April took a slight upward step of 0.71p on the week to stand at 95.54p/kg.

Baconer spot quotes have slipped by about 2p/kg this week, although some East Anglian abattoirs have had to put a few pence into their prices to try and secure a dwindling number of pigs in the 70kg-75kg category.

Numbers in this region have been greatly affected by PDNS and PMWS, which are still taking a toll on rearing units, with 20% mortality reported to be commonplace.

Lighter pigs have remained firmer in value with pork and cutter weight traded between 112p-106p/kg.

In Europe, however, producers still seem to be enjoying generally higher prices and UK returns are among the cheapest in the EU “Big Six” producer countries.

  • Peter Crichton is a Suffolk-based pig farmer offering independent valuation and consultancy services to the UK pig industry


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