Public access who pays?

21 October 1999

Public access — who pays?

THE government is proposing that all footpaths and bridleways should be fenced off from the rest of the field and the footpaths are to be tarmacked and made fully accessable to disabled people.

That would mean that all styles would have to be replaced with gates.

In the book Access to the Coutryside it does not state whether the farmers who have footpaths on their land would have to pay for the
work and organise the work or not.

At the moment it seems as if the farmers whose land is crossed by footpaths
will have to pay. This would be another big setback and possibly bankruptcy for some.

  • Guy Coggles, Royal Tunbridge Wells, Kent

    Ruining the countryside

    I THINK that if this were allowed to happen, then it would ruin the look of
    the countryside, having tarmac paths all over the fields!

    I think the townies are best kept in the towns where the know what they talking about and keep their noses out of our businesses.

    Why should we pay for their
    stupid ideas, as it will only benefit them?

    We cant afford to fund all these tarmac paths, nor have the time to
    organise it all.

  • Hannah Mart, Eccleshall, Staffordshire

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