Quota sales in beet outgoers scheme
By Robert Harris
SUGAR-BEET growers will be able to buy and sell quota on the open market following the launch of a new outgoers scheme agreed by British Sugar and the NFU.
Described as a “one-off”, the scheme will allow producers to sell part or all of their 2002 contract tonnage to other growers or new entrants.
It opened on Monday (23 July), and will run until mid-October.
Both BS and the NFU say the aim is to give growers greater flexibility and to improve industry efficiency.
Keen growers will be able to expand their area while others who wish to stop growing beet can receive a realistic value for their tonnage. It is also open to new entrants, provided they pass a short supplier appraisal.
But BS will only act as a facilitator – it will not set a price, has no plans to act as a broker, and sees no need for agents to become involved.
“Letters have gone out to growers today,” says a BS spokesman.
“If they are interested, they should return the form to us and we will send them a form with all the details, including the consent of transfer form to be signed by both parties in the deal.
“Any agreement will be by private transaction.
“Some people are concerned that means deals have to go through an agent, and incur commission charges. That is not the case. Growers can talk to each other directly and come to a deal.”
And, contrary to some reports, tonnage will not have to be rounded up into 100t lots, he adds. “Growers can buy and sell as much or as little as they want to in one go.”
- Non-growers can receive details of the scheme by contacting British Sugar on 0870 2402314