Regional roundup (1)
97-07-03 00:22
Regional roundup (1)
Generally all crops are looking very well following a dry, mild Spring and wet mid-season.
Winter Wheat: Wheats are in ear 10 days earlier than normal but the recent cooler level will push harvest back. Growth stages vary from early ear emergence in the North to flowering in the South. The recent wet and mild weather has ensured mildew levels are high with Septoria moving up from lower leaves. The wettest Highland Show since 1951 will help to fill ears but will promote ear diseases and lodging pressure.
Winter Barley: Late frosts in May caused blind ears to appear but the damage is hopefully minimal. Some crops have started to lodge in the last 10-14 days as rain in early May increased late N uptake. The most advanced barleys are at soft dough with all crops turning colour now and combines are expected in the fields by mid-July in earlier areas. The recent rain will increase rhynchosporium and net blotch pressure in varieties like Pastoral, Melanie and Manitou.
Spring Barley: Crops are at awn to ear emergence and have welcomed last weeks rain. This evened up crops but increased Rhyncho levels in susceptible varieties. Mildew has been very evident in Maresi, Optic and Prisma. Manganese deficiency showed in many spring barley crops but it has been rectified and crops are looking well.
Oilseed Rape: Petal fall is complete in all crops with pod fill underway. The mild winter has ensured high plant populations and thick crops. Weaker stem varieties, eg Askari and capitol, have started to lodge. Alternaria, Botrytis and Sclerotinia disease pressure will have increased in the last 10 days.
Desiccation/swathing will start 10 days earlier than last year, ie mid-July.
Potatoes: Potato crops are looking well despite a wide variation of growth stages from early emergence.