Royal Show – news roundup
6 July 2000
Royal Show – news roundup
Now Tesco under fire over farm logo
06 July, 2000
TESCO, Britains biggest supermarket chain, faces criticism for its apparent reluctance to use the British Farm Standard logo on its food at the Royal Show.
Reasons to be cheerful – Rickard
05 July, 2000
FARMERS had reason to be optimistic; if they had survived the past five years the next five would be easier, producers were told at the Royal Show.
Farmers First claims massive backing
05 July, 2000
SUPPORT for Farmers First, the holding company for Farmers Fresh and Farmers Ferry, has been overwhelming, claim its directors.
Sainsburys apologises for label gaffe
05 July, 2000
SAINSBURYs has apologised after the logo designed to promote British produce appeared on New Zealand meat on its stand at the Royal Show.
Quality to the fore when Britain goes shopping
05 July, 2000
QUALITY, rather than price, is becoming increasingly important when consumers choose which food they buy, according to an industry expert from Wye College.
Farm accidents kill 44 in England
04 July, 2000
FORTY-FOUR people were killed in farm-related accidents in England during the past year, according to the Health and Safety Executive.
Brown rules out retirement scheme
04 July, 2000
AGRICULTURE minister Nick Brown has ruled out the introduction of an early retirement scheme for British farmers – at least in the short term.
Tories election manifesto for farming
04 July, 2000
THE Conservative Party has launched the document which will form the core of its manifesto for British farming at the next general election.
British logo used on foreign food
04 July, 2000
THE British Farm Standard logo, which is supposed to promote British food, is being used on imported produce.
Cash call for green farm schemes
04 July, 2000
FARMERS at the Royal Show have found themselves bombarded by messages about the benefits of joining environmental farming schemes.
Farmers back bid to win over public
04 July, 2000
FARMERS at this years Royal Show have backed moves to attract more members of the non-farming public to agricultural events.
Another year of pain from Pound, warns bank
03 July, 2000
FARMING will have to cope with the strong Pound for at least the next 12 months, a leading bank warned at the Royal Show.
Minister to demand more beef exports
03 July, 2000
BRITAIN will demand a relaxation of rules governing beef exports – despite the discovery of a BSE-infected animal which raised new fears about the disease.
Farming is the countryside, claims NFU
03 July, 2000
THE National Farmers Union has stepped up the debate over the future of rural Britain by insisting that agriculture must be at the heart of the countryside.
Britain waters down pigmeat adverts
03 July, 2000
ANOTHER advertisement in the controversial 4.6 million campaign to promote British pigmeat was unveiled at the Royal Show on Monday.
Royals still about farming – RASE
03 July, 2000
THE chief executive of the Royal Agricultural Society of England (RASE) has dismissed suggestions that the Royal Show no longer has farming at its core.
Carey calls for urban-rural unity
03 July, 2000
THE Archbishop of Canterbury has called for greater unity between rural and urban communities in a speech which focused on the farming crisis.
Rural crime climbs – but not on farms
03 July, 2000
RURAL crime increased last year – but the level of on farm theft dropped as criminals targeted more lucrative rural businesses and homes, says a new report.
Know world market, meat exporters told
02 July, 2000
MEAT exporters have been urged to develop better strategies if they are to cash in on a predicted 35% growth in the global meat market over the next 10 years.
Dairy costs much worse than farmers think
02 July, 2000
DAIRY farmers are losing more money than they think, claim the Royal Agricultural Society of England and accountants Deloitte and Touche.