Rural regeneration grant a handy sum for Denbigh

16 August 2002

Rural regeneration grant a handy sum for Denbigh

DENBIGHSHIRE Farm Womens Club group has received a grant of £900 for two years from the Welsh Assembly government. This was awarded as part of the Assemblys Rural Regeneration Plan and will help with running costs, speakers expenses and for members to attend the agm.

The group was formed in September 2000 and held four meetings before foot-and-mouth broke out in February 2001. It restarted in September 2001 and now has around 30 members.

Jane Jones, the groups correspondent said: "It is wonderful that the Assembly recognises the role that FWs Farm Womens Club plays in rural communities. In particular its contribution to relieving isolation and providing opportunities to relax and unwind with other women who understand the stresses of farming today. This grant will really secure the future of the club in this area."

Most counties in the UK have local voluntary services councils who can provide information about grants and help fill in application forms. Why not inquire to see if your FWC group is eligible?

This informal friendship club has more than 60 groups nationwide and is open to all female readers of FW.

Details from Jean Howells (020-8652 4927)


Wed, Sept 11, 7pm. Meet at Stockcross village hall for an illustrated talk Tour of India. Friends welcome. Contact Hilda Gore (01488-685348).


Sat, Sept 7, 2pm. Meet at the Victory Hall, Dalston for Coast to Coast film show by N Godfrey. Contact

Muriel (01228-711114) by Sept 4.


Thur, Sept 12, 10am. Meet at The Hired Lad for coffee and cookery demonstration by Diane Richter.

Lunch, followed by talk

Lady Ann Clifford by Alice Palmer. Contact M A Cowperthwaite



Tue, Aug 20, 12.30pm. Meet for lunch at Burford House followed by 2.30pm tour of gardens. Contact Thelma Green (01989-567337).


Thur, Aug 29, 2pm. Meet outside Ripley Castle, near Harrogate, for group guided tour. Friends welcome. Contact Mrs E Kirby (01609-883233) asap.


Thur, Aug 22, 12.30pm. Meet at Bell Inn, Shenington, for lunch followed by historic walk of Shenington and Alkerton, including visit to Brook Cottage Gardens. Contact Jane Ridgway (01295-680262) or Muriel Paxton (01295-680357).

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