Scope to farm

18 May 2001

Scope to farm

in Bulgaria

WITH all the gloom in UK agriculture, many farmers will be wondering about the possibilities for farming in other, less well-known, parts of Europe. One country where there is considerable scope is Bulgaria.

Bulgaria is in the south-east Balkans, close to Greece, Turkey and the countries that used to make up Yugoslavia. The area enjoys hot summers, beautiful countryside, and good seaside resorts on the Black Sea. The mountain regions contain a number of modern ski resorts, good hotels and are ideal for summer and winter leisure. Although its close to the present Balkan troubles, the country is a stable and strong democracy and there is little fear of the conflict spreading to it.

In the past, Bulgaria had a very strong agricultural sector and was one of the breadbaskets of Europe. But after the fall of Communism in 1989 the industry went into serious decline; with the collapse of most of the co-operatives many people just walked off the land, leaving it to deteriorate.

These days the industry is dominated by large private farming enterprises in the Dobrich region, close to the Black Sea ports. The remaining co-operatives and many small, mainly subsistence, farmers are spread throughout the country, with particularly good fertile areas along the Danube.

The main crops are wheat, barley, sunflower seed and maize, with smaller crops such as sunflower seed for birds, millet, coriander, soya and tobacco being grown, along with most vegetable crops and vines.

A large percentage of land is still left fallow or is being farmed in a haphazard manner by producers who lack expertise and funding to do the job properly. Currently many small farmers dont use fertilisers or herbicides, but the crops still grow on this fertile land, and they still make a living. This is probably a great place for eco-farming. The livestock industry is still very fragmented with small herds of cattle or flocks of sheep and goats, and an underdeveloped dairy industry.

British/Bulgarian company Intrade, which has long experience of agriculture in Bulgaria, is organising trips for farmers and investors to look at this interesting country. Trips will be mixed holiday and fact-finding visits and will consist of talks and information by agricultural experts, visits to the countryside and farms including one run by a British farming company. Tourist visits and rest in a Black Sea resort will also be included.

The first of these study trips takes place from June 16-24 this year at a cost of £795/person. Full details can be obtained by contacting George Key of Intrade (tel/fax 00359 2660 765;


Above and left: there is considerable scope for investing in farms in Bulgaria.

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