Sheep triumph at E of E
Sheep triumph at E of E
RAIN and the onset of harvest only slightly reduced the attendance at the East of England Show, which marked the Peterborough Agricultural Societys 200th anniversary.
But numbers in the sheep lines were at a high, having increased fourfold over the past 15 years.
A Charollais shearling ram owned by A J and M J Gregory, Bucks, came through the 500 strong entry to win supreme sheep champion. In reserve was T and J Prentices Texel shearling ram from the Ipswich-based flock.
The seven-year-old British Charolais cow Royston Fleur was awarded the supreme beef title for owners M R and C E Parker, Cambs. A R Clements and Partners two-year-old British Simmental bull Stirling Flint, from Stowmarket, gained reserve, as it did at the recent Great Yorkshire Show.
Holstein Friesian/British Holstein cows topped the dairy classes, with Essex-based Strutt and Parker Farms Esquinn Raider Andy taking supreme champion. Reserve was Lord Rayleighs Farms cow Terling Norah.
Beef Cattle
Interbreed M R and C E Parkers British Charolais cow Royston Fleur; res, A R Clements and Partners British Simmental bull Stirling Flint.
Aberdeen-Angus I * McLaren and Sons bull Carlhurlie Deceiver; res, T Stebbings heifer Effie 5th of Grimston Fen.
Hereford R L Broads bull Badlingham Boldre; res, R P Mannings cow in milk Mandalay Johanna.
British Charolais M R and C E Parkers cow Royston Fleur; res, Mr and Mrs G L Lysters heifer De Crespigny Larkspur.
British Simmental A R Clements and Partners bull Stirling Flint; res, Carlton Curlieu Farms heifer Salisbury Foxy Lady.
Devon V Cartwrights bull Carley Baron; res, C Thorntons heifer Thorndale Bluebell.
Murray Grey R Kemp and Sons heifer Craig Carnation; res, W and J Woolleys bull Earnshaw Dynamite.
South Devon W J Cook and Partners cow Haveringland Rosebud; res, A and P Ricketts bull Juniper Winston.
British White D Birbecks cow Hevingham Bluetit; res, D Birbecks bull Welhum Odyseus.
Limousin W J and M Mashs heifer Ronick Lovely; res, W J and M Mashs bull Jubile.
British Belgian Blue B E, G and R W Braziers female Fusse de Biert; res, R J Ivorys male Battlesden Leo.
Longhorn Mr and Mrs J W Stanleys cow Fishwick Natasha; res D and A Blockleys heifer Southfield Petal.
Highland D O Wains heifer Fiach of Auchnacraig; res, D Owens bull Lester.
Blonde DAquitaine G B Sewell and Partners heifer Meadow Molly; res, J Smiths bull Harpon.
Other Pedigree J Doughtys Beef Shorthorn bull Balmyle Crackle; res, J Doughtys Beef Shorthorn heifer Tugby Tessa
Interbreed Group of Three G L Lysters British Charolais; res, W J and M Mashs Limousins.
Beefbreeder W J and M Mashs Limousin Ronick Matador; res, L A Renshaws British Simmental Dovefields Gallant.
Commercial Beef J and S Burnetts Limousin cross steer Delboy; res, S E Sellers continental steer Real Class.
Dairy Cattle
Interbreed Strutt and Parker Farms HF/BH Esquinn Raider Andy; res Lord Rayleigh Farms HF/BH Terling Norah.
Holstein Friesian/ British Holstein Strutt and Parker Farms Esquinn Raider Andy; res, Lord Rayleigh Farms Terling Norah.
Channel Islands M Randersons Clover Zebre Sapphire; res, C R Cawstons Kentucky C Polly.
Dexter Munn and Botturas cow Templeton Micra; res, Mr and Mrs P W Hunts bull Sycaz.
Interbreed A J and M J Gregorys Charollais ram; res, T and J Prentices Texel shearling ram.
Suffolk R Pratts shearling ram; res, J * Grundys shearling ewe.
Crossbred J * Grundys Suffolk cross shearling ewes; res, P J Rowles Sufolk cross Border Leicester ewe lambs.
Jacob R and J Cowards shearling ewe; res, A Burnhams ram.
Other Down Breeds J Doughtys Ryeland ram lamb; res, J Doughtys Ryeland shearling ewe.
Texel T and J Prentices shearling ram; res, C D M Lewiss shearling ram.
Shropshire Y A C Palmer and K Kings ewe lamb; res, S Evans ewe lamb.
Hampshire Down C Horrells ram; res, Mr and Mrs D C Ritchies ewe lamb.
Charollais A J and M J Gregorys ram; res, J OReillys ewe.
Rouge de LOuest C D M Lewis shearling; res, T and J Prentices ram.
Other Continental J McInnes Skinners Blue Du Maine ram; res, J McInnes Skinners Blue Du Maine shearling ewe.
Other Pedigree R Beechers Kerry Hill shearling ewe; res, B Lugsdens Badger Face Welsh Mountain ewe lamb.
Interbreed Group Mr and Mrs D C Ritchie Suffolks; res, J OReillys Charollais.
MLC Pair of Lambs A N Polhills Texels; res, N Pamplins Texels.
Fleece S Holdichs Wensleydale; res, J * Grundys medium wool.
Interbreed S J Hulls Landrace breeding sow Lindum Lyssi 219; res, P C Baths Large White boar Roxton CH Turk 4.
Pure White Breeds S J Hulls Landrace breeding sow Lindum Lyssi 219; res, P C Baths Large White boar Roxton CH Turk 4.
Coloured Breeds C Bulls British Saddleback gilt Morebread Silverwings; res, Canterbury Oast Trusts Berkshire boar Highlands Freight Train
Best in show * and E Settles milking goat Oxwick Echo; res, S A, E and L Williams milking goat Nebo Rubbish.
Saanen C Newtons Lyncol Rachel; res, S R Parkins Philday Foxibury.
Toggenburg R J Archers Meadowlark Rosabella; res, L Weedys Willowbank Chaffinch.
Anglo-Nubian J C Scales Ivans Jocelyn; res, E Orrs Strenshach Dandelion.
British Alpine T J Bakers Wedgewood Japan; res, T J Bakers Wedgewood Arete.
British Saanen S R Parkins Philday Flume; res, L M Jermys Mineshop Moth.
British Toggenburg J M Collins Frenchall Polyantha; res, D M Randalls Monach Hazel.
Golden Guernsey S J Metford-Sewells Metwell Jennywren; res, S J Metford-Sewells Metwell Mopsey.
Beef champion was MR and C E Parkers Charolais cow Royston Fleur, beating A R Clements and Partners British Simmental Stirling Flint.
Cambridgeshire judge J Taylor tries to pick out the supreme champion from the breed class winners at last weeks East of England Show.
The Charollais shearling ram owned by Buckinghamshire-based breeders A J and M J Gregory is chosen as the interbreed supreme champion.