Slow going for pigs to Spain
Slow going for pigs to Spain
REBUILDING exports of pigmeat to Spain has been slow going since foot-and-mouth restraints were lifted, due to low Spanish prices and the strong £.
But that could soon change, says Bent Windhal, head of export marketing at the Meat and Livestock Commission. "Prices on the Continent are increasing while those in the UK are falling and soon they should meet," he said at Alimentaria.
This is partly due to Spains classical swine fever problem, which has prevented movement of large numbers of pigs in the main producing area of Catalonia. Consumption has also been dented by ongoing disease problems.
Mr Windhal believes there are opportunities for UK exporters even though Spanish pig production has been one of the fastest growing in Europe and the UK only shipped 800t in 2000.
While pork is a commodity trade, processed products such as sausages, bacon and pork pies will appeal to the large expatriate community, he adds. *