Slowly into spring barley

15 August 2001

Slowly into spring barley

“COMBINES were buzzing in the area yesterday,” says Davis Kirkwood, who farms with his son at Cherry Cobb Sands, just north of the Humber estuary. They made a start on wheat on Tuesday (14 August).

A 24ha (60 acres) field of Charger was started. “It has flooded badly in places, so will not be too startling. But the sample is not too bad.”

Rain in the last week has meant there is the odd sprouting grain. “They took a bit of harm last week, and now have a dirty look.”

Oilseed rape has been quite successful on the farm. Apex and Pronto yielded between 3.3-4t/ha (1.35-1.6t/acre). “We would normally look for a bit more, but there was the odd pool in the crop during winter, so were quite pleased overall.”

He says wheat should follow on so harvest will proceed with the weather. He does not think they are behind at the moment.

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