Soya bean types – big variations

17 December 1999

Soya bean types – big variations

RESULTS from Arable Research Centres 1999 soya bean trial show the highest yielding varieties gave an extra 0.5t/ha (4cwt/acre) over those tested last year. But there were huge differences in maturity.

"At harvest it was noticeable that the two early varieties, SB504 and SB505, had shed a considerable number of pods," explains Benedicte Gauthe, senior trials officer with ARC. "By contrast variety B22 was so late that in many respects it was not ready for harvest.

Despite the big differences seed companies have not said any of the 29 varieties being tested was particularly early or late maturing. The trial was drilled at ARCs Andover site on Apr 30 with a uniform seed rate of 65seeds/sqm (6seeds/sqft) and 25cm (9.8in) row width.

Harvest was on October 6, slightly later than anticipated due to difficult weather. Reglone (diquat) was applied at 3litres/ha nine days earlier.

Only one variety, Montir, was continued from last season. "In 1998 it was the highest yielding at 1.26t/ha, this year it gave 1.19t/ha and was almost the average yielding variety," says Ms Gauthe.

Yield ranged from 0.46-1.76t/ha (4-14cwt/acre), averaging 1.25t/ha (10 cwt/acre), compared with 0.91t/ha (7cwt/acre) from 1998s seven varieties.

The first of three maturity assessments highlighted big maturity differences by July 20. "B22 had not started to flower, while three others already had pods greater than 2cm in length," she recalls.

Her advice to interested growers is to consider yield and maturity before choosing a variety. "Yield potential seems to be improving with new variety introductions.

"But maturity is also very important – harvesting late varieties can be very difficult and may interfere with other operations."


&#8226 29 vars, ARC Andover, Hants.

&#8226 Oct 6 harvest.

&#8226 1.7t/ha max yield.

&#8226 Big maturity differences.

&#8226 Know your variety.


&#8226 29 vars, ARC Andover, Hants.

&#8226 Oct 6 harvest.

&#8226 1.7t/ha max yield.

&#8226 Big maturity differences.

&#8226 Know your variety.

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