Spinach annual weeds targeted

10 January 1997

Spinach annual weeds targeted

COMPOSITE annual weeds, including mayweed and groundsel, can now be controlled in spinach and spinach beet thanks to an off-label approval for clopyralid (Dow Shield).

The new provisional off-label is the result of a comprehensive HDC-funded programme with the Horticultural Research Institute to support specific off-label approvals for horticultural crops.

The herbicides currently approved for use in spinach and spinach beet often do not provide adequate control of composite weeds, says the HDC. Mayweed and groundsel have become particular problems, especially with spinach grown for the supermarkets. Mechanical harvesting of the crop can mean that a single weed can make a crop unmarketable.

The potential of Dow Shield was identified in discussion with growers. Work is continuing to produce the residue data required to support a full SOLA for this product. &#42

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