Strike only the start, says FFA

9 August 2002

Strike only the start, says FFA

FARMERS for Action has warned that it regards its national one-day production strike as just the start and militant French-style protests could follow.

The group has claimed that progress on its day of action planned for Friday, Aug 23 is "moving rapidly".

David Handley, FFA chairman, said a number of organisations such as the National Pig Association and National Beef Association had already given their support.

Environmental groups, who were concerned about the state of the food industry, were also supporting his call for farmers not to sell any produce for 24 hours, he said.

But in an FFA newsletter, Mr Handley said that the action on Aug 23 was a "token" strike, and FFA believed French-style protests were coming ever closer.

"If we are not listened to by those who say they represent us, by those who purchase our food or above all those who govern us, then French tactics are going to have to come to save our industry."

And according to a poll carried out by Farmers Weekly Interactive hundreds of farmers are prepared to protest.

Almost 500 people responded to the internet poll asking whether they would strike in support of British farmers.

Nearly three-quarters of respondents said Yes. Only 27% said No. &#42

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