Strong demand for straw

By FW staff

STRAW has met a strong demand at the first of the New Years big forage sales.

Conventionally-baled barley straw averaged £41/t, topping at £56/t at Alexanders 3500t offering at St Ives, Cambridgeshire on Monday. Wheat straw levelled £35/t, reaching £46/t. “The auction room was packed,” says Michael Alexander.

While demand for hay was “better than expected”, there was a big difference between the best and the worst, with meadow hay ranging from £33/t to £188/t, averaging £79.60/t.

Big premiums are available, says Mr Alexander, for top-quality product. “Its all down to care and how it is presented. The discrimination among buyers now is massive.”

Ease of loading is also important. “Buyers want to just send a lorry and a driver. They dont want to have to send extra men.”

Philip Pocock of Adkin Agricultural – preparing for next weeks 1100t auction in Oxfordshire – says: “The message seems to be that straw is short and wanted while hay is quite plentiful and generally of moderate quality.”

Where When Contact
Leicestershire 18 January 0116-233 6433
Oxfordshire 19 January 01235 862888
Hereford 20 January 01432 355441

The straw shortage dates back to limited amounts baled last summer in the face of inclement weather and a shortage of stocks. “At the end of last winter, the barns were absolutely empty.”

Demand has increased in a bid to keep stock clean.

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